Sunday, February 1, 2009

Porno Para Ricardo musicians arrested! (UPDATE)

This just in!

To all:
Our friends Gorki, Hebert, and Renay from Porno Para Ricardo were
arbitrarily arrested last night in Havana.
They need all of our solidarity, they need all our help to denounce the
harassment of the communist goverment of Cuba on these outspoken musicians.
Please do contact your local newspaper and let them know that Gorki, his
bass player Hebert, and his drummer Renay were arrested without a
warrant in Havana, Cuba. That's state sponsored kidnapping, but a
communist regime knows no bounds for terror.
Please join us in denouncing this violation of their human rights.
Charlie Bravo
CubaUnderground, virtual bandmate of the lads of Porno Para Ricardo.

Our friends of Porno Para Ricardo were finally liberated a short while ago. They were loaded in a police lorry because their shirts and t-shirs had what the Cuban "authorities" considered pornographic images, c'est a dire, related with Porno Para Ricardo, and they were just given a warning and a fine.


~Zurama Arencibia Nuñez~ said...

Those bastards will use any excuse to harass their citizens.

Muchacho Enfermo said...

I think you prisoners not citizens ;)

~Zurama Arencibia Nuñez~ said...

I stand corrected! :)